Daily Sagittarius Horoscope January 03 (03/01)
Now 22 − Dec 21
Alias: Alias: The Archer
January 03
daily sagittarius horoscope:
daily sagittarius horoscope:
Star 7/10
You can hopefully sense that a particular saga in an area of your world hasnt reached the end, despite what particular circumstances might be indicating. There is one last gasp left in a proverbial dying dragon and youd be wise to accept that youll have one final bout before its truly slain. Dont prepare yourself unnecessarily for confrontation or a need to boost your defensiveness levels. One carefully-timed swipe of your sword will bring closure.
Read more...Star 9/10
Try not to see determination youre showing in a particular way in particular area as selfishness. You could be inclined to believe youre going to greater lengths than are necessary to get your way or defend a point you believe needs defending. If anything, your efforts appear to be taking into account the needs of at least one other person and they stand to benefit from them. Thats reason enough to stand your ground and not feel a need to compromise.
Read more...Star 9/10
Just as you were getting accustomed to a new beginning within a tense or uncertain scenario, Mercury returns to your sign, causing you to readdress what you thought had been resolved. There will inevitably be a sense of dj vu as certain discussions and exchanges had during January are reinstated. Youre armed with more information this time than you were back then and events this week could confirm how much more control and influence you now have.
Read more...Star 8/10
With Venus focusing attention on your domestic sector, home and family matters can become harmonious. If youre considering decorating your abode, then this is the month to do it! Once Mercury moves direct on the 8th, uncertainty surrounding your earnings will be removed, allowing you to see a financial situation more realistically. The Full Moon on the 12th might help you to assess your financial situation and decide where some overdue cuts need to be made.
Read more...Star 8/10
You are the born traveler - the individual who follows adventure and seeks to be illuminated. You can figure out the most picturesque way to get from A to B, and you dont mind any adventure that crosses your path. You need to have a regular sports activity in your life in order to feel well, and your adventurous spirit suggests that it might be a risky one that fascinates you the most. Keep yourself fit at all times in order to enjoy the freedom of action you so desire.
Read more...Star 9/10
With todays astral configuration, you have a hand in bringing the focus to yourself. Its time to consider the path that youve taken over the past year. What has helped you get your bodys needs met? Remember the days that you were good to yourself. They included fresh, delicious food, healthy exercise, and an overall relaxed feeling with no pressure to be or do anything different. Think about increasing the number of these days over the next month.
Read more...Star 7/10
Your health zone is highlighted, so your energy level could fluctuate more than usual. One minute youre ready to tackle any challenge and the next you feel exhausted. In order to maintain more consistent energy, its essential to eat the right foods.
Read more...Star 7/10
You might want to succeed and yet not feel like bothering, and this may be due to the exacting nature of Saturn in your sign. However, when it comes to your well-being, this attitude might not be helpful. And with the luxuriant Venus as your wellness planet, the temptation to indulge and forget about whats good for you could be an issue. Venus glides into your domestic zone this month, so home cooking could be very tempting. This is where you can usefully employ Saturns disciplined side. Dont stop completely if your efforts are mediocre - just keep going.
Read more...Star 9/10
The planetary energy may cause you to wonder about the whole notion of love and love affairs. Sometimes it seems easier to just play out the whole relationship in your mind than to have to actually live through the reality of it all. But dont allow todays events to jaundice your view permanently. Things will improve shortly, and you will wonder why you ever doubted a loved one in the first place.
Read more...Star 7/10
You may find life and relationships a little unsettling today, due to the interplay of celestial energies. You generally like to present the nicer side of your nature to your partner (current or prospective), but when you genuinely need to talk about a problem that is bothering you, you dont find this so easy. It would help if you could stop messing around on the surface of life and get a little depth.
Read more...Star 10/10
You never know when someone elses advice is going to be valuable. Youve been managing your love life pretty well lately, but it doesnt hurt to seek out words of wisdom early in the week. You may feel a bit lonely when you have to go to a party or event solo over the weekend, but look at it as an opportunity instead of an obligation. Surely there will be other singles there with whom to mix and mingle.
Read more...Star 10/10
Mercury retrograde ends January 8, so you process information more quickly than you have recently. Youre so glad that miscommunications and awkward moments are mostly behind you for the month. The emotional Moon gets a practical boost from Virgo on January 15 and January 16, but dont jump the line from being logical to robotic. Show a potential date you have a warm, fuzzy side, too. Mars and Saturn square off on January 19, so going full speed ahead wont be an option. Pump the brakes every once in a while, especially around turns.
Read more...Star 10/10
Other people will be critical of your work today so you should be too. Make sure you check things two or three times before you submit them for review or before you move on to the next project. Take your time and do the job well instead of rushing.
Read more...Star 7/10
Dont act too hastily in the workplace today. Your desire to get ahead may cause you to jump the gun before it is appropriate for you to do so. Be reserved and cautious with your actions. Think things through to conclusion before you proceed.
Read more...Star 9/10
You have the opportunity to make important decisions now. Be prepared to accept certain unavoidable losses in work and personal concerns. Youll discover that these apparent troubles and setbacks are often necessary adjustments. Things arent as bad as they may seem. This is especially true in the case of people who stubbornly refuse to accept a change of structure in the workplace.
Read more...Star 8/10
It might be difficult to get paid for an expense report submitted near January 12. Schedule a meeting if the check isnt forthcoming. In a situation like this, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Theres no reason you should reach into your own pocket to cover professional costs. The approach of January could bring some good news. A job offer, promotion, or bonus might arrive quite suddenly. Make sure to celebrate the good news with your nearest and dearest. Your good mood will catapult you to new career heights. You know youve hit your stride when work feels more like play.
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