Daily Scorpio Horoscope January 18 (18/01)
Oct 23 − Now 21
Alias: Alias: The Scorpion
January 18
daily scorpio horoscope:
daily scorpio horoscope:
Star 9/10
Our parents and teachers often use phrases like, you wont know unless you try. Even a small child will have experienced such a revelation by asking the question, do I do nothing and likely experience no change whatsoever or do I see what making a bit of effort might actually bring?. If youre feeling pressure to make some effort, even blindly, then thats good news. Youll want to make some more once you see what results!
Read more...Star 7/10
When we are asked or ask ourselves what we have to lose by pursuing a particular plan, making ourselves look daft often finds its way to the top of our list. We dont want to lose face or find ourselves in an embarrassing or awkward position having taken a risk in some way. The fear of rejection can be as equally strong, too. Taking a certain risk now might not bring a desired result immediately but it will likely bring relief at making a discovery that answers a certain question.
Read more...Star 8/10
What might happen if you stepped outside of a comfort zone? What might result if you pushed a particular boundary? You might read such questions in the belief youre about to take a risk that brings with it a sense of trepidation. In truth, if youre not already asking yourself such questions, then this week could see you starting to do so. You know you can be achieving more than you are in some way. Coming events could point you in a direction to start doing so.
Read more...Star 9/10
Be prepared to use your creative talents to express yourself romantically as Venus influences your true love sector. Romantic thoughts merge beautifully with words or any other way you choose to reveal whats in your heart. The Full Moon on the 12th could highlight a publishing or advertising issue or a matter connected with travel or overseas. This could also have a legal slant to it. A New Moon on the 27th could mark the start of a new era domestically.
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We all need to pay attention to our liver, as it helps us in that all-important digestive process. Cleansing the liver is important in other respects, as well. A healthy liver helps clean our blood and eliminate toxins from our bodies. Did you know that the liver is your bodys largest vital organ? Size matters here, so pay attention! Beets are a natural liver cleanser, and can be prepared in many delicious ways, and vinegar and lemon help stimulate the liver. Also, be respectful of your body when consuming alcohol.
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Get in touch with your feelings today and communicate them to those you care about. Use the celestial energy to empower your own relationship with yourself as well. Like with any relationship, ask yourself what you really want from yourself: a healthier lifestyle? More friends? Less time at work? More fun on the weekends? This kind of honest chat with yourself will create changes more quickly than you may think. Start with now. What would make you smile?
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Your feelings have a profound effect on your body. This is why it helps to develop a loving attitude if you want to feel well and eliminate disease from your body and your life. If youre filled with animosity, even unspoken, its still going to impact you at the cellular level. Be happy and be good to yourself!
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With Mars in your leisure sector at the start of the month, you could find that hearty exercises, especially competitive sports, get you off on the right foot to make the most of this year. If you dont feel like tackling anything too vigorous, dancing or swimming are wonderful substitutes. The key point is to make them a regular habit. You may then find that the added holiday pounds begin to slip off quite easily. Mars powers into your health sector on January 26, and from here on you may have a renewed determination to be as well and fit as you can be.
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Today love is delightfully wicked, tempting, and also great fun. Whatever you do, whatever new steps you decide to take, you cant seem to make a wrong move. If you are looking for a new love interest, you wont have to go very far. There may even be someone in your immediate environment who suddenly crawls out of the woodwork and gives you a big surprise. Enjoy!
Read more...Star 7/10
The current planetary aspect may find you feeling in a more thoughtful frame of mind. You are certainly not in the mood to make any promises without a lot of careful consideration. Thoughts about the future of a particular relationship may also be uppermost in your mind. While you realize just how much you have to offer each other, wait before making an irrevocable decision.
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You excel at investigating things, and the beginning of the week could bring a new romantic mystery for you to solve. Youre one happy camper! You love to find out things about your secret crush that no one else knows, but dont cross the line into invasion of privacy. Transformation is possible at the end of the week, but you must want to change. Let down your inhibitions just a bit.
Read more...Star 10/10
When Venus starts spending time in gentle Pisces, on January 3, you get a little more creative with your love life. Soft music, candlelight, and poetry may sound cheesy, but they help set the mood for the perfect romantic evening. The Sun meets your ruler Pluto on January 7, making you eager to begin meaningful new relationships or rekindle old smoldering ones. Pluto moves slowly and so should you if you desire depth and significance over triviality. The Moon drifts through Scorpio from January 19 through January 21, raising your jealousy to a whole new level. Is it possible your suspicions are wrong?
Read more...Star 7/10
Dont be afraid to make quick decisions today. If you spend time mulling over a decision, you will lose valuable time that you need for other projects. The ideas that pop into your head will be brilliant. There is no reason for you to doubt yourself.
Read more...Star 7/10
Close the door on old projects so you can make way for new ones. You have many loose ends right now that are causing mental clutter whether you realize it or not. Delegate your work, tackle it yourself with fresh eyes, or toss it out completely.
Read more...Star 9/10
This is a good time to ease away from anything that has been a priority for some time. If you focus on other areas, youll return to your original work with a sense of renewal and greater enthusiasm. The energy can bring conflicts with clients or co-workers. Rumors could fly, and slowed or stalled progress could be stressful for all. There may be delays concerning cash flow. The difficult times will end soon.
Read more...Star 8/10
A lack of experience could cause problems at work in the first half of the month. If you feel out of your depth, ask for more training. Your employer may balk at first, but you can change his or her mind. Dont make a big production out of your request. Find the right time and explain the problem in private. This will work better than putting your boss on the spot in a public place. The days around January 26 could find you working from home. Youll welcome the opportunity to work in your pajamas. Setting your own schedule will make you more productive, too.
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