
Showing posts from June, 2021

Delta strains challenges his vaccine strategy

  Delta strains challenges his vaccine strategy document Lenelyn Igbuhay 01 Jul 2021 (61) He is relying on the vaccine to fight Delta and their defeat will be a valuable lesson with the globe in the war to push back Covid-19. When he was in April to escape one of the most stringent and longest blocks in the world, they had an excuse to believe that the worst of Pandemic Covid-19 was over. Photo:  Reuters. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has no succ...

Daily Scorpio Horoscope June 30 (30/06)

Scorpio Oct 23 − Now 21 Alias: Alias: The Scorpion June 30 (30/06) daily scorpio horoscope: summary scorpio daily Star 9/10 Within all that might appear chaotic or uncontrollable is an unfolding situation or arrangement you look set to benefit from. This might involve you being freed from a certain commitment or obligation that was hampering the pursuit of an aspiration close to your heart. Give what appears to be volatile a chance to settle and it will become clear how a certain ball and chain have finally been removed. Read more... summary scorpio tomorrow Star 7/10 The cosmos appears keen to encourage you to enjoy a brief period of self-assessment. This could manifest as you feeling abandoned by those whom you were expecting more support from. In truth, you havent been abandon...

Anyway, here's wonderwall

Anyway, here's wonderwall funny 144 Likes 12 Comments Glenn Manning Tina Hutchins Yip... Some bring boredom.. I bring BAGPIPES :D Mandy Marie God, I hated that. Even more so when chilling outside in the nature, on a riverbank, e.g. Dan Morrison Love it when someone can play the guitar. Singing together with friends is great. ...